Thursday, March 15, 2012

Re-Direct to another site

Gang, Macon was insistent that trekking be spelled correctly in the URL so click below and bookmark the correct URL.  Sorry for the confusion.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Countdown To Hike the Appachian Trail Began Years Ago

My daughter Macon and her friend Monica will depart Springer Mountain Georgia around noon on March 20 to attempt a through hike of the Appalachian Trail.  This walk encompasses 14 states, and some random 2175 miles.  Macon decided she wanted to do this while she attended Kanuga Camp Trailblazers when they hiked on the Appalachian Trail at the age of 16.  The dream has come and gone over the years, then she found a book, Becoming Odyssa by a young woman named Jennifer Pharr Davis who completed the trek, returned a few years later setting a women's speed record and this last summer completed the trail in a record 46 and a half days.  Macon is planning on four months or so to hike the trail. 

This blog is an offering for those of you who want to follow Macon's exploits.  On the first leg she and Monica will cover the first third, and if Monica finds gainful employment she will return to the world outside the trail.  Macon's sister will join her in Virginia and walk to New York and beyond if time allows as she has to start her job as a camp counselor in mid-June.  Finally for the most arduous final third leg her brother Billy will join her, providing he passes the interview later this week.

I will go with Macon and Missy for the drop off, not for sentimental reasons but to make sure Missy doesn't get lost on the return leg.  The added bonus is that I can take some pictures of Macon and Monica as they depart, you know the "before" pictures.

Since Macon is a little obsessive, kinda like mom, she has lists upon lists.  She has attended a work shop in Johnson City, Tennessee put on by Warren Doyle who has hiked the trail some sixteen times.  She has analyzed equipment, done extensive reading and is now hiking the perimeter trail around Sewanee atop Mounteagle, Tennessee.   I am confident she is as prepared as she can be, and most importantly she has a great attitude toward the adventure.

Both of these girls are great writers and have wonderful blogs that I have linked on this one, take a minute and look around them as they are wonderfully written and pleasing to the eye.  Missy will clean up the grammar when she can, both girls, and later other hikers will add posts to the blog and with any luck at all it should prove to be an interesting travelogue.

Stay tuned!